شرح من هنا
How to use Smart Hybrid XBMC Editor
(Beta V 1.0)
1. Editor's Functions Edit channel name, Set Parental
Lock flag, Sort channels by Number, Provider Name,
Channel Name, Satellite name, FTA->Scrambled, Edit
Favorite List, Move channel
2. Install “7z920.exe” program on your PC and
remember where this program installed. Normally 7 zip
program will be installed in the folder as below:
C:\Program Files\7-Zip
C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip : 64bit
3. Prepare backup file
After doing backup, you will have tvdata.tar.gz file on
your USB stick.
4. Execute “ChannelEdit.exe” program
5. Set 7z program path on Channel Editor
6. Select tvdata.tar.gz from USB Stick
7. After loading channels, channel will melt on temp
working folder on your PC
8. Edit DB what you want
9. Save your DB to tvdata.tar.gz file to your folder
10. In channel Search page, press blue button to restore
after insert USB Stick with tvdata.tar.gz.
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